Friday, December 30, 2011

35 New Years!

This New Year's Eve is my 35th new year.  I turn 35 next Christmas.  In honor of that, I want to share my resolution!  Last year I was determined to establish and maintain a healthy activity level with specific goals.  I have done so with Taekwondo and am now thoroughly hooked on seeing it through as far as it will take me.  I've gone from a white belt to a purple belt and I love attending classes.  Goals are important to me.  I have to start small and work my way up to the big stuff like losing weight.  This year, I thought about saying, "I will lose 35 lbs before I am 35 next Christmas." Nah...  This seemed like setting myself up for failure.  I feel like setting a number of pounds on myself like that is way too high pressure.  I decided instead to change 35 things about my lifestyle and eating habits - a little at a time and see where that gets me at the end of the year. I plan on tackling these things one at a time and ingraining in myself a real desire to be healthier.     In addition to maintaining my current activity level, here is the list I'd like to accomplish before the next year is done:
  1. Limit my fast food intake to once a week. This is a challenge because we are constantly on the go.  I think that if I can do more ahead of time preparation, this will be a little easier.
  2. Limit Dr. Pepper and/or caffeinated energy drinks to 3 cans a week.  I'd like to cut them out completely, but I just don't see it happening.  I will make coffee at home instead which is a lot cheaper and probably healthier too.
  3. Take my Vitamin supplements regularly.  I wouldn't have to drinks so many of those coffee energy drinks with B vitamins if I were receiving enough B vitamins through the supplements already sitting in my cabinet.
  4. Eat fresh vegetables consistently and daily. I buy them.  I put them in the fridge with the intention of preparing them and eating them, and they rot, because we go to fast food instead.
  5. Eat fresh fruit consistently and daily. (See 4)
  6. Limit my red meat consumption to 1 day per week. 
  7. Eat beans at least once a week.
  8. Eat fish at least once a week.
  9. Cook at home at least 5 days per week.
  10. Decrease the number of Reese's Big Cups I eat.  I will not set a number on this because I really don't want anyone to know (Except those down at Rick's Convenience Store) how many of these I currently eat.
  11. Eat only when I am truly hungry.
  12. Do not eat past full.
  13. Enjoy fatty sweet foods as special treats instead of occasional meals. (see number 10)
  14. Waste less food that I buy to stock my pantry and fridge.
  15. Find out how many calories I burn in a day on average.
  16. Worry less about how many calories and fat grams I take into my body and stop feeling guilty about it.
  17. Consume more healthy foods that will give me energy naturally.  
  18. Find out which foods are high energy foods.
  19. Drink more pure water. (as opposed to things like vitamin waters)
  20. Keep a food and activity journal consistently.
  21. Grow more vegetables and have the garden be the bulk of my spring/summer food intake.
  22. Visit the farmer's market more often.
  23. Buy more local meat.
  24. Find out which foods I am currently eating that negatively affect my workouts and replace them with foods that will positively affect my workouts.
  25. Make meal menus.
  26. Use the crock pot more often.
  27. Eat less bread.
  28. Drink at least one glass of milk each day.
  29. Worry less often and relax more often.
  30. Stop allowing negative body image thoughts into my brain - even during PMS.
  31. Dress up and "look pretty" at least one day a week.
  32. Finish our school year by Mid spring so I can be outdoors more before it is super hot.
  33. Get outdoors more often - even when it is miserably hot/cold.
  34. Give my body a chance to detox from years of fast food and fatty food abuse. 
  35. Widen my palette and try new foods.  
I think listing the things I really want to change about myself this year will give me mini goals to reach over the course of each month.  So...  35/12 is about 3 things each month.  I think that is more than doable and it doesn't seem like such a huge monstrous task.  I wonder if I can save the one about the Reese's big cups for last...  Probably not!


Sunshinekad said...

You had me until #27. LOL

Susan said...

Go for it! You'll feel so much better about yourself, and about everything! Have a happy, healthy, prosperous new year.