Sunday, July 27, 2008

What a great games night!

Our games night was great last night.  We only had one cancellation, so it was a full house.  Here are our totals:  17 adults, 12 children, 2 wonderful baby sitters, about 8 different games played upstairs, about 20 games of Bananagrams, lots of video games played downstairs, 20 BBQ Chicken Wings (not nearly enough), a metric ton of food and drink consumed, bunches of shiny tasty veggies and fruits from both Teleah's and Mom's gardens, and a lot of fun had all around.     All of this with just one bathroom small bathroom! At one point during the evening we had 4 games going at once.  Almost everyone played at least one game and those that didn't, watched and had fun anyway.

Next Games Night will be August 23rd which is also Josh's birthday!  Can't wait!  After nights like that I wish Games Night was every weekend.  (Though I'd probably burn out quickly doing that!)

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