I was in the yard picking up sticks this evening so I could mow the grass. Had a really neat creepy crawly experience with the kids. I looked up and thought a branch on one of our pecan trees had some really weird looking moss growing on it. Then I noticed that the moss was crawling all over the branch. (shiver) Caterpillars - these things were carpeting the branch all in one spot. This branch is about 8-10 inches thick and the caterpillars are about 2 inches long. They were a writhing mass of fuzz. Neat, but very creepy! We think they are Walnut Caterpillars that turn into a little moth. It's a relatively small outbreak and they look like they are in their final stage of development. It doesn't look like they've done too much damage to the tree, it is still full of pecans and leaves. They have a lot of natural predators, succumb to illness easily so hopefully nature will take its course and they won't harm the tree too much.
Oh, they were pretty creepy... But Evie was really upset when Josh suggested we kill them!
I knew I was going to end up the bad guy somewhere in this story ;)
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