Well, I am 35... These were my New Year's resolutions this past year... Let's see how I did... I accomplished 28 out of the 35 things I wanted to this year. That is about an 80%. I guess that isn't a great grade, but it is better than I expected. I also lost about 10 lbs this year on top of the 6 I had lost simply by taking TKD. *And* my body is 2 sizes smaller. I was in a 14 on Jan. 1, of last year. My 10s are now a snug but nice fit. So by focusing on health instead of purely on weight loss, I am making permanent changes that have helped me lose some weight and get a whole lot healthier.
1. Limit my fast food intake to once a week. Done - nothing like cutting dairy to make you stop eating cheap burgers and french fries.
2. Limit Dr. Pepper and/or caffeinated energy drinks to 3 cans a week. Done - I can't do my coffee drinks any more and Dr. Pepper just doesn't taste as good.
x3. Take my Vitamin supplements regularly. Well... This one's a total failure on my part. I hate taking vitamins. They make me queasy.
4. Eat fresh vegetables consistently and daily. Done.
5. Eat fresh fruit consistently and daily. And... Done.
6. Limit my red meat consumption to 1 day per week. I think I've gotten this one pretty much under control. Mostly...
7. Eat beans at least once a week. Done!
x8. Eat fish at least once a week. I wish I liked fish more...
x9. Cook at home at least 5 days per week. Umm... Still trying.
10. Decrease the number of Reese's Big Cups I eat. No dairy=No Reese's cups. I've not had one since early November.
11. Eat only when I am truly hungry. Done, unless I have PMS.
12. Do not eat past full. Most of the time I accomplish this. With all the gastrointestinal issues I've had the past several months, eating past full means a killer stomach ache, so that has helped.
13. Enjoy fatty sweet foods as special treats instead of occasional meals. Done!
14. Waste less food that I buy to stock my pantry and fridge. Done!
15. Find out how many calories I burn in a day on average. I joined Fitocracy and while I don't know how many calories I burn, I do know that a really good Taekwondo work out is between 500-800 points.
16. Worry less about how many calories and fat grams I take into my body and stop feeling guilty about it. Done. I am just trying to make better choices.
17. Consume more healthy foods that will give me energy naturally. Avocado has become a staple in my diet. I've also added Chia seeds and taken away dairy altogether. This has helped my energy level.
18. Find out which foods are high energy foods. I've not found a complete list, but Avocado, berries, nuts, and seeds are all on my list.
19. Drink more pure water. (as opposed to things like vitamin waters) Done. I still drink the vitamin waters, but not daily.
x20. Keep a food and activity journal consistently. Well... Not consistently.
21. Grow more vegetables and have the garden be the bulk of my spring/summer food intake. My garden was kind of crappy this year, but I did get a decent harvest of a lot of things.
x22. Visit the farmer's market more often. About once every couple of months doesn't count. Need to get out more often.
23. Buy more local meat. Accomplished this by just making a point of walking over to the drug store that has a freezer case full of local meats.
24. Find out which foods I am currently eating that negatively affect my workouts and replace them with foods that will positively affect my workouts. Dairy - It was causing my migraines. I cut it out altogether and it cured them. It did not cure my stomach issues. I am still working on solving those. I may have to cut gluten as well. Yay.
x25. Make meal menus. Um... Nope.
26. Use the crock pot more often. Done!
27. Eat less bread. Done!
28. Drink at least one glass of milk each day. I drink Hazelnut milk now, so I'm calling this accomplished.
29. Worry less often and relax more often. Subjectively, I think I've done better with this. It has been a matter of being mindful enough to force myself to stop worrying.
30. Stop allowing negative body image thoughts into my brain - even during PMS. Done. I still have a few now and then, but not nearly as many.
x31. Dress up and "look pretty" at least one day a week. Once a month? I don't think I can count this one.
32. Finish our school year by Mid spring so I can be outdoors more before it is super hot. (Done)
33. Get outdoors more often - even when it is miserably hot/cold. (Done)
34. Give my body a chance to detox from years of fast food and fatty food abuse. (In Progress)
35. Widen my palette and try new foods. (Done)